Journal Content
Volumes 23-27 (2000-04)
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Cole, Cassandra R., Patrick F. Maroney, and Kathleen A. McCullough, 2004, “Managing Subsidence,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 27(1): 1-21.
Celuch, Kevin, Steven A. Taylor, and Stephen Goodwin, 2004, “Understanding Insurance Salesperson Internet Information Management Intentions: A Test of Competing Models,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 27(1): 22-40.
Oh, Kiseok, and Han B. Kang, 2004, “A Discrete Time Pricing Model for Individual Insurance Contracts,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 27(1): 41-65.
Yosef, Rami, Uri Benzion, and Shulamith T. Gross, 2004, “Pricing of a European Call Option on Pension Annuity Insurance,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 27(1): 66-82.
Lai, Gene C., and Michael J. McNamara, 2004, “Employee Protection and Tax Deductibility Issues when Insuring Employee Benefits through a Captive Insurance Company,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 27(2): 87-103.
Yu, Tong, Bingxuan Lin, Mulong Wang, and William R. Feldhaus, 2004, “Capacity Constraints and IPO Underpricing in the Property and Liability Insurance Industry,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 27(2): 104-122.
Elkhal, Khaled, Roger Shelor, and Mark Cross, 2004, “January Return Seasonality in the U.S. Insurance Industry,” 27(2): 123-133.
Mao, Hong, James M. Carson, Krzysatof M. Ostaszewski, and Luo Shoucheng, 2004, “Pricing Life Insurance: Combining Economic, Financial, and Actuarial Approaches,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 27(2): 134-159.
Wang, Mulong, Chuanhou Yang, and Hong Zou, 2004, “Is the One-Time Accounting Charge Really Trivial? Evidence from the Insurance Industry,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 27(2): 160-180.
Ostaszewski, Krzysztof, 2003, “Is Life Insurance a Human Capital Derivatives Business?” Journal of Insurance Issues, 26(1): 1-14.
Wang, Jennifer L., Larry Y. Tzeng, and En-Lin Wang, 2003, “The Nightmare of the Leader: The Impact of Deregulation on an Oligopoly Insurance Market,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 26(1): 15-28.
Posey, Lisa L., 2003, “Switching Cost, Competition and Pricing in the Property/Casualty Insurance Market for Large Commercial Accounts,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 26(1): 29-50.
Eden, Yoram, Eliakim Katz, and Jacob Rosenberg, 2003, “Loading Factors and Equilibria in Insurance Markets,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 26(1): 51-62.
Martlett, David, Carl Pacini and William Hillison, 2003, “The Market Impact of the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999: Differences between Life Insurers and Property-Liability Insurers, Journal of Insurance Issues, 26(2): 69-92.
Elango, B., 2003, “The Effects of Host Country factors on the Internationalization of the U.S. Reinsurance Industry,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 26(2): 93-113.
Carson, James M., and Robert E. Hoyt, 2003, “An Empirical Examination of Sample Selection Methods in the Context of Life Insurer Financial Distress, Journal of Insurance Issues, 26(2): 114-128.
Nissan, Edward, 2003, “Relative Market Power versus Concentration as a Measure of Market Dominance: Property and Liability Insurance,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 26(2): 129-141.
Schellhorn, Carolin D., and Nicos A. Scordis, 2002, “Insurers’ Expansion Into Banking: A Look at Operating Returns,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25(1): 1-23.
Wang, Jennifer L., 2002, “An Analysis of the Substitution and Supplemental Effects between 401(k) and Other Employers’ Pension Plans,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25(1): 24-46.
Eisenhauer, Joseph G., 2002, “Relative Effects of Premium Loading and Tax Deductions on the Demand for Insurance,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25(1): 47-62.
Lai, Gene C., Michael J. McNamara, and Henry R. Oppenheimer, 2002, “Large Losses and Firm Value: Investor Response and Managerial Decisions,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25(1): 63-84.
Pope, Nat, 2002, “Japanese Consumers’ Demand for Cash Value Life Insurance: A Case of Mistaken Identity,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25(1): 85-91.
Sun, Qixiang, and John W. Maxwell, 2002, “Deficits, Empty Individual Accounts, and Transition Costs: Restructuring Challenges Facing China’s Pension System,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25(2): 103-126.
Tzeng, Larry Y., and Jen-Hung Wang, 2002, “An Increase in Background Risk and Demand for Loss Reduction,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25(2): 127-141.
Taylor, Steven A., Kevin Celuch, and Stephen Goodwin, 2002, “Technology Readiness in the E-Insurance Industry: An Exploratory Investigation and Development of an Agent Technology E-Consumption Model,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25(2): 142-165.
Barth, Michael M., 2002, “Intra-Company Auto Insurance Underwriting Profits Under Alternative Forms of Rate Regulation,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25(2): 166-191.
Wilson, Alex H., and Eric Higgins, 2001, “CEO Pay/Performance in the Insurance Industry,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 24(1/2): 1-16.
Gajek, Leslaw, and Krzysztof Ostaszewski, 2001, “Optimal Funding of a Liability,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 24(1/2): 17-29.
Taylor, Steven A., 2001, “Assessing the Use of Regression Analysis in Examining Service Recovery in the Insurance Industry: Relating Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Trust,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 24(1/2): 30-57.
Nissan, Edward, and Regina Caveny, 2001, “A Comparison of Large Firm Dominance in Property and Liability Insurance with Major Industries,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 24(1/2): 58-73.
Aiuppa, Thomas A., and Lise Graham, 2000, “Measuring the Value of an Exposure: A Capital Budgeting Approach,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 23(1): 1-29.
Carson, James M., and Mark D. Forster, 2000, “The Nature and Causes of Variation in Insurance Policy Yields: Whole Life and Universal Life,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 23(1): 30-47.
Brown, Robert L., 2000, “Will Pre-Funding Provide Security for Social Security? A Review of the Literature,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 23(1): 48-76.
Colquitt, L. Lee, and Randy E. Dumm, 2000, “Determinants of Claims Recovery among Writers of Auto Physical Damage Coverage: Empirical Evidence,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 23(1): 77-91.
Marlett, David C., Richard Corbett, and Carl Pacini, 2000, “Insurer Stock Price Responses to the Disclosure of Revised Insured Loss Estimates After the 1994 Northridge Earthquake,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 23(2): 103-123.
Posey, Lisa L., 2000, “The Impact of Fee-Shifting Tort Reform on Out-of-Court Settlements,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 23(2): 124-139.
Chen, Yueyun, and Iskandar S. Hamwi, 2000, “Performance Analyses of U.S. Property-Liability Reinsurance Companies,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 23(2): 140-152.
Ferguson, William L., Mark S. Dorfman, Beverly J. Frickel, and Tamela D. Ferguson, 2000, “Risk Management and Insurance Education at the Millenium,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 23(2): 153-179.
Jennings, William P., and Penelope R. Jennings, 2000, “Risk, the Willingness-to-Pay, and the Value of a Human Life,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 23(2): 180-184.